York Region Association
for Volunteer Administration
The Top 10 reasons why you should join YRAVA:
10. Keep up to date on volunteer issues, trends, and findings! Through workshops, our website, and social media, YRAVA gives you access to research trends in volunteer administration.
9. Save big bucks! Members can take advantage of professional development opportunities for at low cost.
8. Network, network, network! Get to know other volunteer administrators in York Region.
7. Increase your professional profile! Meet other professionals working in volunteer administration. Share your expertise at monthly meetings.
6. Add to your expertise! Attend monthly meetings and annually professional development workshops to increase your knowledge and become more involved in your profession.
5. Access resources you need! The YRAVA social media groups are an excellent source for resources and problem solving specifically for volunteer administrators. Materials available at monthly meetings are an added bonus.
4. Add new skills to your resume! You don't have to be a long-term member to get involved. New members are encouraged to participate, join a committee, run for office, or get involved in a variety of ways.
3. Vote for the leadership to represent your profession! Your voice . . . and your vote . . . make a difference. Vote for dedicated administrators to lead YRAVA and the volunteer administration profession in the 21st century.
2. Influence the profession! Add your voice to advance volunteer administration and the professionals who serve them.
1. Improve volunteer administration! Isn't that why you became a volunteer administrator in the first place?